Making it Easy to Blend at Home

Take the guesswork out of creating blenderized tube feedings by customizing
recipes from scratch tailored to each patients' needs.

With the Blenderized Tube Feeding Recipe Builder you’ll be able to:

  • Build your own blenderized tube feeding recipes with detailed nutritional information including calories and final blended volumes
  • Save your blenderized tube feeding recipes in your own personalized online recipe book
  • Auto generate a printable shopping list based on the blenderized tube feeding recipes that you create
My Recipe Book

Sign In or Create an Account to Start
Creating Your Own Recipes!

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Inspired by Nature

The widest range of real food and plant-based options

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Premium Ingredients

No artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners

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9 Great Formulas

The brand used by healthcare professionals for 50 years

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Provide a password for the new account in both fields.
By creating an account, you agree to receive emails and other marketing communications from Compleat® including special offers, promotions, and more. You also certify that you have read and agreed with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Note.

The Blenderized Tube Feeding Recipe Builder is powered by the Blenderized Diet Recipe Calculator. The Blenderized Diet Recipe Calculator was created by Robin Cook, MS, RD, LDN, and is reproduced under a license from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. No endorsement by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia or by Robin Cook, MS, RD, LDN, of any Nestlé Health Science brand or product is implied or intended.


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